Tally MCQ Questions for Online Practice

Tally MCQ Questions for Online Practice. Tally ERP 9 MCQ Questions and Answers for Online Practice and Interview. Objective Questions are very useful for Computer Institute to assess the performance of Tally Course students.

Tally MCQ Questions : Topic wise

Accounting Fundamental

Q.1: Accounting provides information on

1) Cost and income for managers
2) Company’s tax liability for a particular year
3) Financial conditions of an institution
4) All of the above

4) All of the above

Q.2: Identify the Real account

1) Discount account
2) Rent Expenses account
3) Land account
4) Salary account

3) Land account

Q.3: Any written evidence in support of a business transaction is called

1) Journal
2) Ledger
3) Ledger Posting
4) Voucher

4) Voucher

Q.4: The following is a statement showing the financial status of the company at any given time

1) Trading account
2) Profit & Loss statement
3) Balance Sheet
4) Cash Book

3) Balance Sheet

Q.5: Balance sheet is a statement of

1) Assets
2) Liabilities
3) Capital
4) All of the above

4) All of the above

Q.6: Identify the Personal account

1) Wipro Pvt. Ltd account
2) Building account
3) Commission account
4) Salary account

1) Wipro Pvt. Ltd account

Q.7: Balance sheet are prepared

1) Daily
2) Weekly
3) Monthly
4) Annually

4) Annually

Q.8: Revenue and expense accounts are referred to as

1) Nominal account
2) Real account
3) Cash account
4) Personal account

1) Nominal account

Q.9: Identify the Nominal account

1) Machinery account
2) Building account
3) Cash account
4) Rent account

4) Rent account

Q.10: How many types of account

1) 5
2) 4
3) 3
4) 2

3) 3

Tally MCQ Questions

Tally MCQ Questions

Tally Fundamental

Q.11: Tally package is developed by

1) Peutronics
2) Tally Solutions
3) Coral Softwares
4) Vedika Softwares

2) Tally Solutions

Q.12: Which menu appears after starting Tally for the first time

1) Gateway of Tally
2) Company Info
3) Display
4) None of these

2) Company Info

Q.13: Which option is used in Tally to make changes in created company

1) Select Company
2) Shut Company
3) Alter
4) Connect

3) Alter

Q.14: Which option from Company Info menu is selected to create a new Company in Tally

1) Company Create
2) Create Company
3) Create New Company
4) Make Company

2) Create Company

Q.15: Which option is selected from Company Info menu to divide company data into two financial years

1) Change Tally Vault
2) Alter
3) Split Company Data
4) New Company

3) Split Company Data

Q.16: Which option is used to copy company data into pen drive or CD

1) Backup
2) Restore
3) Copy Data
4) Split Company Data

1) Backup

Q.17: Which option is used to place data taken in pen drive or CD to appropriate place in Tally

1) Backup
2) Restore
3) Display
4) None of these

2) Restore

Q.18: Which option is used to open company created in Tally

1) Create Company
2) Open Company
3) Select Company
4) Shut Company

3) Select Company

Q.19: Which option is used in Tally to close opened Company

1) Connect Company
2) Shut Company
3) Create Company
4) Select Company

2) Shut Company

Q.20: How many option related to company Features are there in “F11: Features” in Tally

1) 3
2) 2
3) 4
4) 5

4) 5

Q.21: We can change the Company Information from

1) A Company Info > Back up
2) Company Info > Alter
3) Company Info > Split Company Data
4) None of these

2) Company Info > Alter

Q.22: Company Restore option is available in

1) Company Features
2) Company Information
3) Configuration
4) None of these

2) Company Information

Q.23: What is the full form of ERP

1) Enterprise resource planning
2) Economic resource planning
3) Efficient resource planning
4) Economic resource processing

1) Enterprise resource planning

Q.24: The home screen of tally is also known as

1) Menu bar
2) Gateway of tally
3) Accounts info
4) Button tool bar

2) Gateway of tally

Q.25: A company can be deleted only in
1) Display
2) Alter
3) Delete
4) Create

2) Alter

Q.26: Company features in tally includes

1) Accounting features
2) Inventory features
3) Statutory features
4) All of the above

4) All of the above

Q.27: To active cost centre and cost category feature we have to select

1) Configuration
2) F11 features
3) Group creation
4) Voucher creation

2) F11 features

Q.28: Which shortcut key is pressed to go to company info menu from Gateway of Tally

1) Alt + F4
2) Alt + F2
3) Alt + F1
4) Alt + F3

4) Alt + F3

Q.29: Which key is pressed to go to Gateway of Tally from company Info menu

1) Ctrl
2) Alt
3) Esc
4) Enter

3) Esc

Q.30: To change Current Date from Gateway of Tally press the key

1) F1
2) F5
3) F2
4) F9

3) F2

Q.31: F12 is known as

1) Company Features
2) Company Configuration
3) Accounting Features
4) None of these

2) Company Configuration

Tally MCQ Questions

Accounts Info

Q.32: Which menu is used to create new ledgers, group and voucher types in Tally

1) Reports
2) Import
3) Transactions
4) Masters

4)  Masters

Q.33: Which submenu is used to create new ledgers, groups and voucher types in Tally

1) Account Info
2) Inventory Info
3) Accounting Vouchers
4) Inventory Vouchers

1) Account Info

Q.34: How many groups are pre-defined in Tally

1) 28
2) 30
3) 15
4) 19

1) 28

Q.35: How many primary groups are there in Tally

1) 19
2) 28
3) 15
4) 20

3) 15

Q.36: How many secondary groups are there in Tally

1) 15
2) 13
3) 28
4) 16

2) 13

Q.37: Which ledger is created Tally automatically as soon as we create a new company

1) Cash
2) Profit & Loss A/c
3) Capital A/c
4) 1 and 2 both

4) 1 and 2 both

Q.38: Which option is used to make change in created Groups of Ledgers in Tally

1) Create
2) Display
3) Alter
4) Change

3) Alter

Q.39: Party account can be created through

1) Group creation window
2) Ledger creation window
3) Inventory creation window
4) Any one of them

2) Ledger creation window

Q.40: Salary comes under __________ head

1) Direct expense
2) Current liability
3) Indirect expense
4) Current asset

3) Indirect expense

Q.41: ________is an example for tangible assets

1) Furniture
2) Debtors
3) Patent
4) Discount on issue of shares and debentures

1) Furniture

Q.42: Accrued income comes under

1) Current liability
2) Capital
3) Current asset
4) Fixed asset

3) Current asset

Q.43: Taxes paid come under which group

1) Capital
2) Direct expenses
3) Loans and liability
4) Duties and taxes

4) Duties and taxes

Q.44: Changes in accounts are possible only in

1) Display mode
2) Alteration mode
3) Single mode
4) Multiple mode

2) Alteration mode

Q.45: There are predefined ledgers

1) 3
2) 2
3) 6
4) 8

2) 2

Q.46: Closing stock come under ___________

1) Current assets
2) Fixed assets
3) Stock in hand
4) Direct income

3) Stock in hand

Q.47: Capital of the company is included under

1) Capital account
2) Fixed liabilities
3) Loans and liability
4) Current liabilities

1) Capital account

Q.48: Loans form individual comes under _____ group

1) Fixed liabilities
2) Loans and advances
3) Current liabilities
4) Capital

2) Loans and advances

Tally MCQ Questions

Inventory Info

Q.49: Which unit is created for stock items like grain, pulse, sugar, rice ghee etc.

1) Lts
2) Nos
3) Kgs
4) Box

3) Kgs

Q.50: Which of the following is not compulsory to create while entry in Accounts with Inventory

1) Stock Groups
2) Stock Items
3) Stock Categories
4) Units of Measure

3) Stock Categories

Q.51: How many types of Measurement Units we can create in Tally

1) 2
2) 3
3) 5
4) 4

1) 2

Q.52: Default ‘godown’ name in tally is _________

1) Primary
2) Main location
3) Group
4) Stock

2) Main location

Q.53: Inventory books’s is used to view

1) Stock Items
2) Ledger
3) Accounting Group
4) Trial Balance

1) Stock Items

Q.54: Which of the following file is usually used as a master file

1) Inventory subsidiary
2) Cash disbursements
3) Cash receipts
4) Payroll transactions

1) Inventory subsidiary

Q.55: Which option is used to view stock items or group summary

1) Accounts Book
2) Inventory Book
3) Statutory Books
4) Display

2) Inventory Book

Tally MCQ Questions


Q.56: Which voucher type is used to transfer amount from one bank to another

1) Contra
2) Payment
3) Receipt
4) Post-Dated

1) Contra

Q.57: Rs.20,000 withdrawn from State Bank. In which voucher types this transaction will be recorded

1) Payment
2) Receipt
3) Contra
4) Bank Ledger

3) Contra

Q.58: Where do we record transactions of salary, rent or interest paid

1) Contra
2) Journal
3) Receipt
4) Payment

4) Payment

Q.59: Where do we record interest received, commission received or rent received in Tally

1) Contra
2) Payment
3) Receipt
4) Journal

3) Receipt

Q.60: Where do we record credit purchase of furniture in Tally

1) Purchase
2) Payment
3) Receipt
4) Journal

1) Purchase

Q.61: Discount Column is available in

1) Sales Invoice
2) Purchase Invoice
3) Both (1) and (2)
4) None of these

3) Both (1) and (2)

Q.62: Transfer of materials from one godown to another godown, use

1) Manufacturing Journal
2) Stock Journal
3) Purchase Journal
4) Sales Journal

2) Stock Journal

Q.63: Which of the following is used for voucher entry

1) Ledger Account
2) Groups
3) Sub-Groups
4) None of these

1) Ledger Account

Q.64: A credit note is sent by __________ to __________

1) Seller, Buyer
2) Buyer, Seller
3) Customer, Seller
4) Creditors, Seller

1) Seller, Buyer

Q.65: Sales return are recorded in ________ voucher

1) Sales voucher
2) Debit Note
3) Receipt
4) Credit Note

4) Credit Note

Q.66: The voucher type for recording goods received

1) Rejection in
2) Receipt note
3) Purchase order
4) Stock voucher

2) Receipt note

Q.67: The options ‘use common narration’ and ‘narration each entry’ appear

1) Account creation screen
2) Voucher entry screen
3) F11 Accounting features
4) Voucher type creation screen

4) Voucher type creation screen

Q.68: Credit note is used for entering

1) Purchase
2) Sales
3) Purchase return
4) Sales return

4) Sales return

Q.69: Debit note is used for entering

1) Purchases
2) Sales
3) Purchase return
4) Sales return

3) Purchase return

Q.70: Which shortcut key is pressed to create a new ledger during voucher entry

1) Alt + C
2) Alt + X
3) Alt + D
4) Alt + A

1) Alt + C

Q.71: Default invoice mode is on for Sales or Purchase entry. Which key should be pressed for entry of Sales or Purchase as voucher

1) Alt + V
2) Ctrl + V
3) Alt + F8
4) Alt + F9

2) Ctrl + V

Q.72: Function key for receipt voucher is

1) F3
2) F4
3) F5
4) F6

4) F6

Q.73: Function key for payment voucher is

1) F3
2) F4
3) F5
4) F6

3) F5

Q.74: Function key to select purchase voucher is

1) F8
2) F9
3) F4
4) F5

2) F9

Q.75: Function key to select sales voucher is

1) F8
2) F9
3) F4
4) F7

1) F8

Q.76: Function key to select journal voucher is

1) F5
2) F6
3) F7
4) F2

3) F7

Q.77: Function key to select contra voucher is

1) F4
2) F8
3) F9
4) F7

1) F4

Q.78: For selecting debit note voucher we have to use ________ key

1) Ctrl + F9
2) Ctrl + F8
3) Alt + F7
4) Alt + F8

1) Ctrl + F9

Q.79: For selecting credit note voucher we have to use ________ key

1) Ctrl + F9
2) Ctrl + F8
3) Alt + F7
4) Alt + F8

2) Ctrl + F8

Q.80: _________ gives the balance for each day for the voucher type has been selected

1) Trial Balance
2) Day Book
3) Balance Sheet
4) None of the above

2) Day Book

Q.81: The rate of trade discount varies with the _____________ purchased

1) Total asset
2) Current asset
3) Quantity
4) None of these

3) Quantity

Q.82: Vouchers can be displayed in

1) Account info
2) Day book
3) Inventory info
4) Ledger
2) Day book

Tally MCQ Questions

Taxes, Tally Audit, Payroll

Q.83: Which option is used to view list of Primary and Secondary groups in Tally

1) List of Accounts
2) Accounts
3) List
4) None of these

1) List of Accounts

Q.84: Which option is used to view Trial Balance form Gateway of Tally

1) Gateway of Tally > Reports > Trial Balance
2) Gateway of Tally > Trial Balance
3) Gateway of Tally > Display > Trial Balance
4) None of these

3) Gateway of Tally > Display > Trial Balance

Q.85: Which step is followed to view Purchase Register

1) Gateway of Tally > Display > Sales Register
2) Gateway of Tally > Account Books > Purchase Register
3) Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Books > Purchase Register
4) Gateway of Tally > Account Books > Register > Purchase

3) Gateway of Tally > Display > Account Books > Purchase Register

Q.86: Which reports are prepared monthly in Tally

1) Profit & Loss A/c
2) Balance Sheet
3) Trial Balance
4) Cash Flow of Funds Flow

3) Trial Balance

Q.87: What is the utility of Tally Vault Password

1) It will lock the period of Company
2) It will lock all voucher entries for that Company
3) It will not show the Company Name in the Company Select List
4) None of these

3) It will not show the Company Name in the Company Select List

Q.88: We can show Bill wise details of Debtors and Creditors by activating

1) Maintain Bill by bill
2) Maintain Bill wise Details
3) Maintain References
4) None of these

2) Maintain Bill wise Details

Q.89: To get Payroll Reports choose

1) Gateway of Tally > Display
2) Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts
3) Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Payroll
4) Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports

4) Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports

Q.90: “Alias” represents

1) Short name
2) Nick name
3) Code name
4) All of these

4) All of these

Q.91: In Tally you get currency symbol option from ________ menu

1) Company creation
2) Stock items units
3) Regional settings
4) None of the above

1) Company creation

Q.92: How to activate the tally audit feature in a company

1) Press F11 key
2) Press F12 key
3) In company info > security control-option
4) During the creation of a company

4) During the creation of a company

Q.93: Which of the following user type can view audit list

1) Tally Vault
2) Owner
3) Data entry
4) Administrator

4) Administrator

Q.94: Employee salary details are shown in

1) Attendance sheet
2) Gratuity papers
3) Exact reports
4) Payroll

4) Payroll

Q.95: What is the full form of GST

1) Goods and Supply Tax
2) Government Sales Tax
3) Goods and Service Tax
4) General Sales Tax

3) Goods and Service Tax

Q.96: In India GST became effective from

1) 1 April 2017
2) 1 January 2017
3) 1 July 2017
4) 1 March 2017

3) 1 July 2017

Q.97: How many types of taxes will be Indian GST

1) 2
2) 3
3) 4
4) 5

2) 3

Q.98: What are the taxes levied on an Intra-State Supply

3) CGST and SGST

3) CGST and SGST

Q.99: How can data be imported in tally

1) Depends on number of companies
2) One company to another company created with in Tally package
3) Other programs – A spreadsheet or database file
4) Both 2 and 3

4) Both 2 and 3

Q.100:  Which shortcut key is used to take print of Balance sheet

1) Shit + Alt + P
2) Ctrl + Shift + P
3) Alt + P
4) Ctrl + P

3) Alt + P

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Tally Questions and Answers in Hindi – Online Study Test

3 thoughts on “Tally MCQ Questions for Online Practice”

  1. Very nice question type and mere bhai ji ko mere tarfh thanks 🙏🙏🙏 you ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
    Most help question type

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