MS Word Questions and Answers In English

MS Word Questions and Answers Practice set In English – Provides you High Quality Question and Answer about Microsoft Word processing application software. These are very Important questions for computer awareness and general knowledge. This question comes in various Government and Non- government exam, Like-UPSSSC , CCC.

MS Word Questions and Answers In English

Q1. Which key is used to move to the beginning of the line?

  1. Page up
  2. Home
  3. Enter
  4. End

Q2. Which element of a document can be coloured?

  1. Table
  2. Text
  3. Graphics
  4. All elements

Q3. What is the name given to a document?

  1. File name
  2. Program
  3. Record
  4. Data

Q4. Which key is used to delete the characters to the left of the cursor?

  1. Delete
  2. Backspace
  3. Enter
  4. ESC

Q5. What is said  to make changes to a document?

  1. Creating
  2. Editing
  3. Modifying
  4. None of these

Q6. What is the file extension in MS Word?

  1. .docx
  2. .pptx
  3. .xlsx
  4. exe

Q7. Shortcut for select all in MS word?

  1. Ctrl + A
  2. Shift + A
  3. Ctrl + S
  4. Ctrl + Shift + S

Q8. Ctrl + X is a keyboard shortcut used for?

  1. Copy
  2. Paste
  3. Cut
  4. Delete

Q9. In MS word, clicking simultaneously three times in a paragraph will select?

  1. The whole paragraph
  2. The first sentence of the paragraph
  3. The first word of the paragraph
  4. The last sentence of the paragraph

Q10. Which Shortcut key to open a new document is?

  1. Ctrl + N
  2. Alt + N
  3. Ctrl + F
  4. Alt + Ctrl + F

Q11. What is the shortcut key to print any document?

  1. Alt + P
  2. Ctrl + P
  3. Ctrl + Shift + P
  4. Shift + P

Q12. To increase font size which of the following shortcut is used?

  1. Ctrl + J
  2. Ctrl + R
  3. Ctrl + B
  4. Ctrl + ]

Q13. Ctrl + i is the used?

  1. Bold
  2. Find
  3. Italic
  4. Search

Q14. What type of file is created in a word processing program?

  1. Database file
  2. Worksheet file
  3. Storage file
  4. Document file

Q15. Which key should be press to start a new paragraph in Ms Word?

  1. Down Cursor Key
  2. Enter Key
  3. Shift +Enter
  4. Ctrl + Enter

Q16. Which of the following are minimum and maximum zoom size in MS-Office?

  1. 10 – 100
  2. 10 – 500
  3. 10 – 1668
  4. 10 – 255

Q17. Which of the following is used to displays document vertically?

  1. Landscape
  2. Marco
  3. Template
  4. Portrait

Q18. Which ribbon menu does the table contain in MS Word?

  1. Home
  2. View
  3. Insert
  4. Page Layout

Q19. How many views does MS Word contain?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 5

Q20. What is the shortcut key to open the dialog box?

  1. Ctrl + F2
  2. Ctrl + D
  3. Ctrl + P
  4. Ctrl + F12

Q21. Which of the following is not a type page margin?

  1. Left
  2. Right
  3. Center
  4. Top

Q22. What is the shortcut key you can press to make a copyright symbol?

  1. Ctrl + C
  2. Alt + Ctrl + C
  3. Shift + C
  4. Ctrl + Shift + C

Q23. In Ms Word, which of the following can be used to create envelopes and labels for mail merges?

  1. Reference tab
  2. Insert tab
  3. Mailings tab
  4. Review tab

Q24. In Ms Word the space left between the margin and start of a paragraph is called?

  1. Spacing
  2. Gutter
  3. Alignment
  4. Indentation

Q25. What is the maximum scale percentage in the scale drop down box?

  1. 100
  2. 200
  3. 300
  4. 500

Q26. What is undo’s shortcut key?

  1. Ctrl + U
  2. Ctrl + Shift + U
  3. Ctrl + Z
  4. Ctrl + Shift + Z

Q27. Which menu character in Ms Word can change the size and typeface?

  1. Status Bar
  2. Home Tab
  3. Standard toolbar
  4. View

Q28. What is the shortcut key to open the “Insert Hyperlink” box in a document?

  1. Ctrl + H
  2. Ctrl + L
  3. Ctrl + K
  4. Ctrl + N

Q29. Which of the following is MS Word software?

  1. Spreadsheet Software
  2. Presentation Software
  3. Word Processing Software
  4. Notepad Software

Q30. In MS Word, when you open  a new blank documents the default document name is?

  1. Untitled 1
  2. Document 1
  3. Book 1
  4. None of these

Q31. By which line do spelling mistakes appear?

  1. Blue wavy line
  2. Red wavy line
  3. Green wavy line
  4. None of these

Q32. Which of the following is not a font style?

  1. Bold
  2. Italic
  3. Underline
  4. Superscript

Q33. In Ms Word, how many inches is the font size of 36 points?

  1. 0.125
  2. 0.15
  3. 1
  4. 0.5

Q34. Which of the following menu bars is not an option in MS Word?

  1. Internet
  2. Insert
  3. Home
  4. Page Layout

Q35. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts opens the dialog box window in MS-Word?

  1. Alt + T
  2. Ctrl + D
  3. Alt + D
  4. Ctrl + Alt + D

Q36. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts opens the Save As option in MS-Word?

  1. F8
  2. F9
  3. F11
  4. F12

Q37. What is the maximum font size that can be manually set in MS Word?

  1. 1021
  2. 255
  3. 1638
  4. 1800

Q38. डॉक्यूमेंट को प्रिण्टिंग्स से पहले देखना प्रिंट प्रीव्यू है ?

  1. सच
  2. असत्य

Q39. MS Word में बुलेट्स और नंबरिंग का विकल्प पैरा ऑप्शन में उपलब्ध है?

  1. सच
  2. असत्य

Q40. Word एक टेक्स्ट एडिटर है।

  1. सच
  2. असत्य

Answer Sheet : MS Word Questions and Answers in English

Q1.Ans 2Q11.Ans 2Q21.Ans 3Q31.Ans 2
Q2.Ans 4Q12.Ans 4Q22.Ans 2Q32.Ans 4
Q3.Ans 1Q13.Ans 3Q23.Ans 3Q33.Ans 4
Q4.Ans 2Q14.Ans 4Q24.Ans 4Q34.Ans 1
Q5.Ans 2Q15.Ans 2Q25.Ans 2Q35.Ans 2
Q6.Ans 1Q16.Ans 2Q26.Ans 3Q36.Ans 4
Q7.Ans 1Q17.Ans 4Q27.Ans 2Q37.Ans 3
Q8.Ans 3Q18.Ans 3Q28.Ans 3Q38.Ans 1
Q9.Ans 1Q19.Ans 4Q29.Ans 3Q39.Ans 1
Q10.Ans 1Q20.Ans 4Q30.Ans 2Q40.Ans 1

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